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Croft Primary Curriculum

Welcome to our curriculum page. From here you can access details about what and how we learn at Croft Primary School.

Click on the image below to view our 'important' curriculum. 


Yearly Planners

These planners are useful for parents to see what your child will be learning over the year.  Click on the links to open the files.

Reception Planner                                                  Year One Planner                                                Year Two Planner

Year Three Planner                                                 Year Four Planner                                               Year Five Planner

                                                                                     Year Six Planner

Our Important Recovery Curriculum 2021-22

How we teach phonics


Please click here to find out how we teach phoincs at Croft Primary School.

Parent Guide to vocabulary, grammar and punctuation terminology

Additional curriculum support for parents.

Please log into the Virtual Learning Enviroment (VLE) for activities to support learning at home.

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