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Raising Funds for Croft Primary School - Registered Charity Number 1079380

What is the PTA?

The PTA (Parent Teacher Association) is a Registered Charity, which is informally run by volunteer parents. The PTA organises fun events & activities for our school community throughout the year.
The main function of our PTA is to support
the school by raising as much money as we can to enhance, enrich and improve learning experiences for the children. We also provide those 'little extras' that make school memorable, from creme eggs at Easter to new iPads or PE equipment!
The children love the different events and, as well as having fun, we
raise valuable funds for school that enhance the quality of your child’s learning environment.
We love seeing new faces and everyone is welcome. Simply put, we are a group of parents, who want to support the school & to help our children have the best educational environment.
Please don't be shy - it is important to remember that, not so long ago, we were new too.

When do the PTA meet?

We usually meet once every half term, in the local pub, to talk through fundraising ideas, events that are planned and how we should allocate funds. The meetings are relaxed & informal, we normally have a good giggle!
The dates for meetings will be promoted to you via newsletters & on School Ping, all you need to do is turn up! You can volunteer as much, or as little, as you wish. By attending a meeting, you are not committing to anything & you can simply pop along to find out more. We are a great team!

When do the PTA meet?

We usually meet once every half term, in the local pub, to talk through fundraising ideas, events that are planned and how we should allocate funds. The meetings are relaxed & informal, we normally have a good giggle!
The dates for meetings will be promoted to you via newsletters & on School Ping, all you need to do is turn up! You can volunteer as much, or as little, as you wish. By attending a meeting, you are not committing to anything & you can simply pop along to find out more. We are a great team!


Shop on-line via Easy Fundraising
using links to leading retailers to raise money for the school whilst also benefiting from exclusive discounts and voucher codes

Look for Croft Primary on Your School Lottery.
Order your name labels from Stikins and use code: 5313
 Donate via Just Giving 
Ask your HR Department about  Match Giving

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